QuickEditor is a powerful QuickTime™ Editor. It allows you to perform advanced Video Editing, comparable to what Adobe Premiere™ offers, at a fraction of the price.
Some of it's main features are:
- 680x0 and PowerPC™ native
- Plug-In Technology
- Unique 3D Transitions (PowerMac only)
- Very Powerful Video Effects
- Advanced Audio Editing
- All-In-One-Window Interface
- Balloon Help
- A Really Affordable Price : 20 $ US
What's new since 3.5:
- QuickEditor is now multi-threaded. That means that if you run System 7.5 or better, or System 7.1
with the Thread Manager extension, you can now process Transitions and Video Effects in the
- AIFF sound support now available on PowerMac too.
- 2 new Video Effects (Brightness & Contrast and Saturation)
- Choose between 'Ripple' and 'Insert' Editing
- You can play movies in a resizeable window, simply by clicking on them.
- You can record a new soundtrack when the Movie is playing.
Some Transitions (Rectangle, Cube, Flip, Whirl and Roll) are available only on Power Macintosh. They ship as PowerPC™-only Plug-Ins.
Mathias Tschopp
13 Troupe
CH-1253 Vandoeuvres
Fax: (41-22) 348.33.28
Internet: mtschopp@perokcity.net.ch (only short mails, no binaries!)
(Use one address or the other, don't send the same message to both.)
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Switzerland's coolest BBS, connect to:
The Perfect BBS (FirstClass® BBS)
(Tons of Sharewares, updates, demos, games, infos, tricks and internet access.)